
Article Type

Research Paper

Corresponding Author

Mehmet Akif KARTAL


Heat exchangers are broad-spectrum tools used to obtain hot water from cold water. These tools can also be used in heating and cooling processes. Generally preferred types are used as heat exchangers in the production of hot water. The running basis of the dissimilar types of heat exchangers is essentially the analogous; It is to gather the heat of the fluid with a forward temperature initial on the heat transfer surface plate or pipe, and deliver this heat to the further fluid with a lower temperature, which is in touch with the further surface or pipe of the same plate or pipe. Here, heat exchangers with shell tube heat exchangers are used. The changes in the fluid behavior resulting from the variation of the space among the baffle plates with the flow rate will be examined. With the computational fluid dynamics method, simulations were carried out through the intermediary program and the obtained findings were examined.


Heat exchanger, baffle plate, CFD, fluid behaviour.
