
Article Type

Research Paper


The petrophysical assessment of the Cretaceous succession from late Albian to Cenomanian (upper Kharita, Bahariya formations, and Abu Roash “G” Member) confirmed by gas chromatographic analysis utilising well-log data and core data from the Azhar A-2 and Azhar E-1X wells located within the Beni Suef Basin, Western Desert of Egypt, was the aim of this work. The oil net pay zone of the upper Bahariya Formation in the Azhar A-2 well is more effective and has a lower thickness than that of the upper Bahariya Formation in the Azhar E-1X well. The gas chromatographic value analysis of the two wells (Azhar A-2 and Azhar E-1X) gives a good signature about the type of hydrocarbon content. The Abu Roash “G” Member is characterized by the presence of oil in its lowermost part, and the C1/C2 ratio also confirmed the presence of oil, which ranges from 3 to 7, where 40 > Wetness ratio > 17.5, Character ratio ≥ 0.5 with Balance ratio << 17.5. In the upper part of A/R “G” Member is characterized by the presence of oil/heavy oil because the wetness ratio is > 40 and the character ratio is ≥ 0.5 with the balance ratio is << 17.5 and the C1/C2 ratio also confirmed the presence of oil/heavy oil which ranged from 2-5. The upper Bahariya Formation is characterized by the presence of oil/heavy oil, where the wetness ratio is > 40, Character ratio is ≥ 0.5 with the balance ratio is << 17.5, the C1/C2 ratio also confirmed the presence of oil and heavy oil, which ranges from 2 to 7.7. The statistical analysis of the upper Kharita Formation conventional core data indicated that the upper Kharita Formation is characterized by fair to good porosity, fair permeability, and its gas chromatographic value analysis shows the presence of oil/heavy oil, where the wetness ratio > 40, character ratio ≥ 0.5 with balance ratio << 17.5, and C1/C2 ratio also confirmed the presence of oil/heavy oil, which ranged from 1.5 to 7.


Petrophysical analysis, Gas chromatography, A/R “G” Member, Upper Bahariya Formation, Upper Kharita Formation, Azhar Field, Egypt
