
Article Type

Research Paper

Corresponding Author

Nabel A. Negm


Egyptian clay named diatomite was obtained and acid-activated to prepare two heterogeneous catalysts to catalyze the conversion reaction of castor oil into biodiesel. The prepared catalysts were diatomite-copper and diatomite-copper/aluminum-layered double hydroxide composites. The catalysts were characterized using FT-IR, XRD diffraction, and N2-adsorption/desorption measurements and utilized in the conversion reaction of castor oil into biodiesel under different conditions to determine their optimum performance for yielding the maximum yield. The diatomite-copper composite showed acceptable catalyzing performance, while the more alkaline diatomite-copper/aluminum-layered double hydroxide composite exhibited excellent catalyzing performance during the transesterification conversion of castor oil. The specifications of the yielded biodiesels including viscosity@40oC, density@15oC, pour point, cloud point, cetane number, flash Point, and sulfur content were in good agreement with the standard ASTM specifications. The conversion mechanism has discussed.


Heterogeneous catalyst; transesterification; biodiesel; fuel properties
