
Article Type

Review Article


  • This review presents the synthesis of biodiesel from various vegetable oils.
  • Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performance and Emissions.
  • Influence of nano based biodiesel on IC engine performance.
  • Waste cooking oil-based biodiesel synthesis and its performance.
  • Methods for Synthesis of Biodiesel/Waste Cooking Oil Based Biodiesel.


This decade has seen a significant concentration on the development of sustainable and renewable products to replace fossil fuels in industry, science, and the environment. Another problem is that waste cooking oil (WCO) disposal damages the environment. Using WCO to produce biofuels is the answer to both of these problems. This paper reviews the ideal method and conditions for the synthesis of biodiesel from WCO via transesterification. Studies on the pretreatment WCO are also reviewed, as biodiesel is gradually becoming a more viable alternative to sustainable and renewable fuel. The impact of biodiesel on engine performance and emissions is highlighted in this review. The results of performance tests conducted on Compression Ignition (CI) engines using various blends of biodiesel confirm that certain blends are as efficient as diesel while also reducing emissions. This review also looks at how biodiesel and nanoparticles affect engine performance and emissions, with favorable findings. A proper way to address waste management and energy generation is to use WCO to make biodiesel.


Biodiesel, Transesterification, Waste cooking oil, diesel engine, Performance, and Emissions.
