
Article Type

Research Paper

Corresponding Author

Bassem S Nabawy


Asl Formation in October Oil Field is among the most prolific reservoirs in the central the Gulf of Suez. Monitoring the daily production from this field, the Asl sandstone reservoir suffers from formation damage process due to fines migration. To characterize the reservoir characters and mitigate the formation damage process in this formation, a complete set of well log data is available, processed and interpreted using the appropriate software. It is indicated that the best reservoir characters and the highest net-pay are indicated in OCT-J5 well, while the Tanka-3 well has the lowest net-pay. For more details, the core data (porosity & permeability) imported from these two wells are presented on X-Y plot indicating high heterogeneity in this reservoir and the need for more detailed studies related to measuring and mitigating the formation damage. So six representative samples were selected from the available plugs and their brine permeability was measured at various flow rates (1-25 cc/min) in forward and reverse flows and the formation damage due to the fine migration was estimated in percentage. Then two samples were selected and studied in details using the SEM imaging and the XRD analysis. Then treated with nano-sized TiO2 suspension fluid to mitigate the fines migration. TEM is also applied to estimate the size of the treating TiO2 particles. It is indicated that treating with the nano-sized particles is effective in mitigating the formation damage in Asl Formation. It increased the brine permeability at 10 cc/min flow rate by 67.71-82.24 %. Flow rate and direction, homogeneity of the used nano particles and the mineral composition are other controls for the implication of fines migration on the formation damage. This study is applicable to other similar cases of siliciclastic reservoirs in the Gulf of Suez.


Formation Damage; Fine migration, Asl Formation; October Field; Gulf of Suez.
