
Article Type

Review Article


Carbon dioxide (CO2) miscible flooding is becoming increasingly vital in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) not only for residual oil extraction but also for holding a potential for environmental protection, given its association with global warming. This paper explores the impact of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) using miscible continuous gas injection (CGI) on enhancing the oil productivity of the aging Horus oil field in Egypt's Western Desert. Horus field faces declining production rates and a significant water cut, with only 8 wells out of 24 wells actively producing. Currently, the field maintains a stabilized oil production plateau of 1050 barrels per day, accompanied by a 65% water cut. Challenges arise from the porous and denser layers of the main reservoir, Abu Roash "G" Dolomite. Considering its characteristics, the Horus field is a promising candidate for CO2-EOR to optimize overall production. The objective is to evaluate the reservoir's potential for EOR and identify the most effective scenarios.

The study uses one of the well-known commercial software to develop simulation models for the reservoir. Three scenarios are considered for predicting future oil recovery over 25 years: Do nothing case (DNC), water flooding, and CO2 flooding. The model includes eight production wells, and scenarios involve two injection wells. The study compares three recovery scenarios for a field with 58 million STB initial oil. DNC yields 12 million barrels (R.F.= 19.6%). Water flooding increases to 18 million barrels (R.F.= 29%), gaining 6 million over DNC. CO2-EOR leads with 21 million barrels (R.F.= 35%), a 9 million increment over DNC, the highest among the three cases.

This work highlights the potential of redirecting CO2 emissions to enhance Egypt's oil recovery efforts and reduce its effects. It emphasizes the effectiveness of EOR, particularly through CO2 -EOR, as a novel approach that has not been applied in an actual field in Egypt.


Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Miscible Continuous Gas Injection (CGI), Recovery Factor (R.F.), Cumulative Oil Production, Water Flooding, DNC Scenario, CO2-EOR
