
Article Type

Research Paper


This study emphasizes the integration of well log and seismic analyses to assess the Late Cretaceous sediments in the SWQ-4X well within the Gindi Basin, offering insights into their potential as new reservoirs. The interpreted seismic sections unveil a distinctive NE-SW anticline, flanked by two reverse faults oriented in the same direction, delineating the boundaries of this structural feature. The Upper Cretaceous inversion tectonics, driven by the northwestward movement of the African Plate in relation to the Laurasia Plate, induced compressional forces that led to the formation of these structural features. The interpreted anticline not only represents a noteworthy geological structure but also creates a structural closure, facilitating the accumulation of hydrocarbons in the southwest Qarun Field. Petrophysical assessments identify six promising pay zones (A, B, C, D, E, and F) within the Cenomanian-Turonian sequence in the SWQ-4X well. These zones exhibit varying net pay thickness (6 to 20 ft), low shale content (0.01 to 0.20), high total porosity (0.12 to 0.18), good effective porosity (0.10 to 0.17), low water saturation (0.10 to 0.35), and high hydrocarbon saturation (0.65 to 0.90). Given that the primary oil reservoir in the SWQ-4X well is located in the Albian Kharita Formation sandstones, this study identifies the Bahariya sandstones and the Abu Roash "D" Member carbonate as potential novel oil reservoirs within the analyzed well.


Bahariya Formation; Abu Roash "D" Member; Well Logging; Seismic Interpretation; Gindi Basin; southwest Qarun Field
