
Article Type

Research Paper


The impact of combining Aluminum oxide (AL2O3) nanoparticles in a Chlorellea emersonii methyl ester biodiesel is investigated in this study. Different proportions viz 10ppm, 20ppm and 30 ppm of AL2O3 nano particle were doped with B30 and blends B30+10ppm, B30+20ppm and B30+20ppm were prepared for experimentation. Better results obtained for all 3 blends especially B30+20ppm Al2O3 yielded 45%, 41%, 75% reduction in CO,HC and smoke. Better performance and emission was also note. The proportion of alumina nanoparticles in diesel fuel increased cylinder pressure, temperature, and heat release rate, but decreased ignition delay and combustion duration. Al2O3 doping in fuels also enhanced properties such as increase in calorific value and cetane number and reduction in viscosity. Hence better atomization and vaporization were obtained. For the best benefits in the engine's combustion, performance, and emission characteristics, the concentration of B30-20ppm alumina nanoparticle is advised.


Aluminum oxide, Chlorellea emersonii, Performance, Combustion
