
Article Type

Research Paper


In this study, seven mineral products derived from Egyptian black sands were studied to assess the feasibility of using them in γ-rays shielding materials. These mineral products, along with their assigned codes are; zircon, ilmenite grade no. 1 (ilmenite#1), black sand concentrate (BSC), magnetite, green silica, rutile, and ilmenite grade no. 2 (ilmenite#2). During this study, the studied samples have been characterized to identify their; compositions, particle size, and real densities. Then, the activity concentrations considering the naturally occurring radioactive nuclides were experimentally determined and then, the most important radiological hazard indices were calculated and evaluated. Finally, the radiation shielding properties of the eligible minerals have been assessed. Based on the performed experimental and analytical programs, four products were found to be eligible for preparing radiation shielding building materials considering that magnetite and ilmenite were found the best among the studied samples.


Egyptian black sands, Mineral products, NORMs, Hazard indices, γ-rays shielding.
