
Article Type

Research Paper

Corresponding Author

Aly El-Shaer


This study aims to examine the hydrocarbon potential of AR/D in the Petrosannan field. The Petrosannan Field's primary hydrocarbon production comes from siliciclastic reservoirs, particularly the Abu Roash/C, E, and G members. Despite promising characteristics displayed by AR/D, early exploration efforts involved a single drill stem test (DST) conducted for one well in a cased-hole environment, yielding no data and resulting in an incomplete assessment of the reservoir's production potential. This paper presents an integrated analysis of conventional logs, X-tended Range Micro Imager (XRMI), and core data from five wells (A, B, C, D, and E), employing Techlog and Petrel software. Petrophysical analysis reveals porosity ranging from 13% to 15% and water saturation between 35% and 70%, with XRMI data detecting distinct patterns within partially open fractures, suggesting potential improvements in permeability. Petrographic analysis of core samples unveils an average porosity of approximately 16%, with X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirming calcite as the dominant mineral, constituting 95.9% of the composition. Despite the high porosity observed, AR/D faces challenges associated with reservoir tightness and developmental complexities. This research aims to address these challenges and bridge existing knowledge gaps. Based on the acquired data and understanding of reservoir characteristics, the study hypothesizes that stimulation techniques, such as acid treatment or hydraulic fracturing, could mitigate reservoir tightness and enhance overall hydrocarbon recovery. Subsequent field tests involving hydraulic fracturing in a suitable well yielded an average production rate of 100 barrels of oil per day, underscoring the hydrocarbon potential of AR/D carbonate in the Petrosannan field. This study offers valuable insights for unlocking the potential of carbonate reservoirs in the region, thus contributing to global energy security.


Hydrocarbonpotential; Heterogeneity; Carbonate reservoirs, Petrographic analysis; Stimulation techniques
