
Article Type

Research Paper


This study aims to evaluate an inversion structure and detailed structural elements based on a set of 2D seismic lines at Alamein oil field. A 3D structural model has been built, tied with drilled wells and picked horizons, to display the different structural elements controlling main various horizons of Alamein field. The belts movement causes a regional extensional regime during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous period then followed by a stress movement at the Late Cretaceous – Oligocene period that formed the Alamein inversion. Alamein oil field is characterized by a positive inversion structure caused by the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous master inverted fault. This inverted fault is situated in the central part of Alamein field bounding a half-graben trough accompanied with gradual subsidence toward the southeastern part of the study area with a continued deposition of the lower Cretaceous sediments. Alamein field represents a nearly E-W asymmetrical anticline overlying the Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous and dissected by a large number of NW-SE faults which mainly died-out in Lower Cretaceous and rare of them passed to deepest level (Jurassic period). In the beginning of Jurassic time, many faults of ENE-WSW direction are detected and maybe initiated from Pre-Jurassic and extended to the younger levels due to movement of belts.


Alamein Basin; Inversion Structure; Seismic interpretation; 3D Structural model
