
Article Type

Research Paper


The efficiency of application of chemical processing products of polyethylene terephthalate as modifiers to petroleum bitumen has been confirmed. The possibility of processing sediments formed during a multi-stage technological process by burning them and involving ash in concrete has been established. The comparison of bitumen samples of different grades (BPA 70/100 and 130/200) without modifier, with calcium and magnesium salts of terephthalic acid, with commercial samples based on ethylene copolymer with vinyl acetate, polyethylene with low melting point, low molecular weight polyethylene, etc. With the addition of calcium terephthalate, the softening temperature of BPA 70/100 increased from 50 ° C to 57 ° C, BPA 130/200 – from 46 ° C to 52 ° C, the needle penetration depth increased from 77 to 84, and BPA 130/200 – from 137 to 145. The grade of bitumen BPA 130/200 changed with the addition of magnesium terephthalate to BPA 90/130, the grade of BPA 70/100 remained unchanged with the addition of all modifiers except the polyethylene-based modifier. The possibility of improving the physical properties of bitumen by products of processing polyethylene terephthalate is shown. The possibility of using combustion products of difficult-to-process hydrolysis sludge as an improving additive in concrete is shown. The elementary composition of contaminants on the surface of PET samples showed that the sludge combustion product can be used similarly to fly ash from thermal power plants to improve the properties of concrete, since the silicon modulus of the sludge is quite high — 35%, and the fly ash of thermal power plants — from 30 to 67%.


polyethylene terephthate, bitumen, bitumen modifier, secondary polymers, polymer waste, chemical waste processing
